Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What it was #1

Remember the other day when I asked you what it was? It was this:


Still don't know? It's wool from one of our sheep! I know, that was unfair. Another one tomorrow!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Can you guess what this is?

This is an extremely close shot of something. I'm wondering if YOU can guess what it is. Answer will come tomorrow.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

More Lightroom Paintbrush

Ever since I've discovered the lovely paintbrush in Lightroom, I can't get enough of using it! So here's another set of examples of having far too much fun with the paintbrush. Did you know you can create virtual copies of images keeping all the edits? That's how I did these so uniformly! I kept all the edits and merely changed the color on the paintbrush!


A little jaundiced mayhaps?

Too much licking on the lollipop!

Grape jolly ranchers. *Sigh* Can't keep her out of anything!

Have fun!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Color vs. Sepia

When talking about cameras and pictures, people always argue about color versus black and white or sepia etc. Now I give you almost the same picture. One in full color and the other in sepia. You tell me which you like and why.



So? I posted the sepia to my Redbubble but maybe the color should go up instead.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Oh reflections...

Reflections, reflections, oh how I love thee. You make my heart pitter patter. You have the most amazing qualities.


*Thump Thump*